

The teaching of Geography at Kennall Vale inspires in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world around them and its people. Children will be equipped with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. 
Geography at Kennall Vale follows the National Curriculum to ensure a broad and progressive coverage for children in Years 1-6.
Teaching builds on the prior knowledge and understanding, skills  and the pupils make progress through being provided with opportunities to reach explanations (which means that their understanding is based on the clear use of evidence e.g. from data they have collected and presented in a graph) and reach conclusions about topics, places and issues they have studied through the units of work. Children undertake geographical investigations, using and applying appropriate and increasingly specialised subject vocabulary, subject tools (such as satellite imagery and GIS) and fieldwork skills to recognise, identify, describe, observe, reason, explain and reach basic conclusions about the interaction of people with their environments.
Children can use and apply basic and appropriate subject vocabulary, subject tools (including maps, aerial photographs and graphical data and fieldwork skills) to recognise, identify, describe, observe, reason and begin to explain in simple terms the interaction of people with their environments. Pupils begin to be able to see the world through the perspective of different stakeholders i.e. people and things that have an interest in or our connected to an issue or place.  Higher outcomes in geography also involve children being able to apply what they have learned in one context to another and to understand concepts as well more discrete areas of knowledge which they learned and understood.