
RSHE - Relationship Education

Relationship Education:

Kennall Vale School works hard to develop positive, respectful, healthy relationships. Relationships are integral to the Relationship Policy (positive behaviour policy), and as the basis of how we support children to develop at our school.

Children are taught PSHE explicitly through lessons using ‘PSHE Association’ as a resource, as well as complemented through assemblies and class discussion:

Families and people who care about me:

Relationships can give love support and security, characteristics of a committed, healthy family life, respect for a difference in family set ups, unhealthy family relationships

Caring relationships

Friendships are important in making us feel happy and safe, characteristics of friendships, how to resolve difficulties, trust and how to seek help in unhealthy friendships

Respectful relationships

Respecting those different physically, personality, background, courtesy and manners, self-respect, bullying, stereotypes and consent

Online relationships

People can behave differently online, how to maintain respectful relationships and how to report if there is a unhealthy or unsafe relationship, how data is shared

Being safe

Understanding boundaries (including online), privacy, unsafe and safe contact (including Bubbles to Protect), recognise and report feelings of feeling unsafe,

Children with SEND are supported to get the information they need.