- Children read due to a love of reading
- Children read with fluency, confidence and have a good understanding of what they’re reading
- Every day, teachers read inspiring, exciting books from our fiction and science spines
- Children leave Kennall Vale school at the expected standard for reading
- Children develop comprehension skills using VIPERS -vocabulary, inference, prediction, explain, retrieve and sequence / summarise
- Children are listened to read, on a fortnightly basis
- Lower 20% readers listened to, everyday
- KS2 children read for twenty minutes, independently, four times a week
- Children practise reading comprehension skills, weekly
- Children are exposed to fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts, everyday
- Adults model reading with expression, intonation, pausing to show punctuation and text structure
- Children participate in Reading Blitz, every five weeks. All children read to their assigned adult.
- Books are relevant, carefully book-banded and easy to access.
- Children from EYFS-year 2 have a phonics book that is aligned to their phonic level
- Children from year 2-6 have a Zone of Proximal Development to select books that are of a suitable level
- Once a term, each class enjoys a Reading Café, in the hall. Parents are invited to school to share a book with a biscuit and a cup of tea
- Children are excited and enthused to talk about reading to other children, teachers parents, governors and visitors.
- Children can confidently apply prior knowledge of phonics when decoding new words.
- KS1 children achieve reading miles
- KS2 children are achieving Accelerated Reader certificates, regularly
- Statutory assessments in Year 2 and 6
- Teachers collect standardised scores from NFER assessments in year 3,4 and 5