

Morgawr is a year 3/4 class taught by Miss Fenton and supported by Miss Raven and Mrs Yendle.

Ask us about our dialogue and collaboration: we love to share our learning with our learning friends! In Morgawr, we are learning digital literacy skills to prepare us for learning and later life. We use iPads to support teaching and learning and record our work on Showbie. 


In Morgawr Class, we read everyday. We have a daily Taught Reading lesson, independent reading sessions and we listen to our class novel at the end of the day.

We love reading to our volunteer, Yvonne and sharing books with Rhubarb (one of our school dogs).

Kennall Vale KS2 children love to use Accelerated Reader! We love to work towards targets and earn reading certificates. To become a Word Millionaire is a real achievement – we can tell you all about it!



In Morgawr Class, we encourage reading at home as often as possible. 

Reading can be recorded on ClassDojo on children's portfolios.

To access online books, we have free use of Epic reading for 2 hours a week.

Each week, we have ten spellings to learn – we can practice on SpellingShed (they automatically update each week).  To support our arithmetic skills, we can practice Times Table Rockstars and NumBots, at home. Children are welcome to use their EdShed accounts for Maths Shed, too.