Inclusion, Equality and Diversity
Children at Kennall Vale School understand that no one should be treated differently/less favourably because they belong to a specific group. It is also discussed that it may appear that some groups of children are treated unfairly, but children with different needs may need different levels of support.
The 9 Protected characteristics are introduced through the wider curriculum, as well as through English, in particular class readers, in which groups with protected characteristics are often represented and explored.
The Equality policy is key in developing an understanding of inclusion across the school.
The 9 Protected Characteristics are:
Sexual Orientation
Gender Reassignment
Marriage and Civil Partnership
Pregnancy and Maternity
Religion and Belief
These are often shared with children in a broader sense through our class stories and assemblies. Themes from the 9 Protected Characteristics are discussed and explore with children as points of learning and ways building positive relationships with one another. An example of this would be our World Religion day learning and celebrations. On this day children learn about different aspects of world religions, the beliefs of others and how important it is to respect these.