
Design and Technology


At Kennall Vale School we want children to explore design and technology in a hands-on, practical way. We want children to engage in projects that give them the skills and knowledge which will be relevant for the wider world. Units are taught on a two-year rolling programme, however, we believe that cooking and sewing are essential skills for later life so will be taught, yearly. Kennall Vale prioritises healthy eating, independence and living sustainably and endeavours to share this message with children.

Children at Kennall Vale will be given opportunities to see design and technology within their community; staff will utilise links with our feeder secondary school and vocations in the local area; organising STEAM days with Penryn College and local businesses.

Children will learn about textiles, food and nutrition, structures, mechanical systems, electrical systems and digital systems. Within these topics, lessons will follow a common sequence of learning - designing and researching, applying technical knowledge/vocabulary making and finally, evaluating.


Teachers at Kennall Vale School use our DT learning sequences to ensure progression and coverage of the National Curriculum. Each topic has six lessons that are sequenced to ensure that teaching and learning is built upon throughout the topic. The sequences are tailored to Key Stage 1, Lower Key Stage 2 and Upper Key Stage 2. The learning sequences are child-friendly so they can be displayed in the class Floor Book (as a list of contents for the forthcoming evidence).

Teachers and children have access to high quality, practical resources for implementing the learning sequences. These resources are clearly labelled in our Curriculum Cupboard. Children are nurtured and empowered to independently select the appropriate resources and have ownership over their learning. Staff feel safe using resources due to TPAT’s comprehensive risk assessments.


Children will be enthused by DT and engaged in their practical projects. Lessons will be well thought out with clear learning objectives; children will be aware of the progression due to clear sequencing and explicit floor book evidence. Pupil voice will be added to floor books (recorded by children and staff) alongside photos that prove engagement and skills. Evidence of outcomes can be displayed on the DT shelving unit, for the school to see.

DT capital will be evident around the school – displays, photos and exemplars.