


At Kennall Vale we take great pleasure and pride in celebrating when children achieve great things. Whether these be small steps or great feats, children know that our Celebration Assembly is an opportunity to share our achievements. It is clear from this ethos that success and achievements comes as a result of hard work, determination and resilience.

Progress leading to achievement is celebrated, rather than solely attainment. whether this is in the classroom, in sport, music or socially, there are many ways to excel and there is an ethos of being the best that you can be.

In the relationship policy, it is clearly that the level of aspiration is high – in terms of behaviour, manners, courtesy, respect, as well as approaches to learning. All staff are responsible for ensuring that these high expectations are consistent in all areas of the school, regardless of job role, age of children and time of day.

We work hard to ensure movement around the school is calm and orderly. Children are able to respond quickly to signals to quieten for instruction and for pulling everyone together.

We’re proud of our school uniform and encourage children to show pride in their personal appearance, their learning environment and their school. We expect children to be polite to one another and when speaking to adults around school too. Tidy presentation of learning in books is something we encourage all children to aim for and support those who find this challenging. There is a consistent promotion of pride in belonging to our school community.