
Under review - Personal, Social and Health Education / RSHE

 At Kennall Vale, we follow the Cornwall PSHE Curriculum that is tailored for school in Cornwall. Lessons have been sequenced to reinforce learning and build on knowledge.  This sequence of learning is divided into three core themes, which run throughout the key stages:

Health and Wellbeing

This includes lessons on mental health, lessons on puberty and the changing body, dental health, benefits of keeping active and healthy eating.


This includes lessons on respectful and healthy relationships both on and offline, kindness and sex education.

Living in the Wider World

This includes lessons on career planning, financial literacy and exploring our rights and responsibilities.


Please find below the content to be delivered for the RSE aspects of the PSHE taught at Kennall Vale.

Year 5 

Puberty – bodies and reproduction

  • Correctly identify parts of external genitalia and internal reproductive organs
  • Understand that everyone’s bodies are different and we should respect this
  • Describe key facts about reproduction and pregnancy
  • Know where to ask for help with questions about their bodies

Puberty – changes

  • Define what puberty means
  • Understand that everyone will experience puberty differently
  • Identify key changes which happen during puberty
  • Understand what menstruation is
  • Understand where to go for help and support around puberty and their bodies


Year 6 

Keeping your body safe

  • Define safe and unsafe
  • Identify which parts of the body are private
  • Define inappropriate or unwanted touch
  • Recognise the right of each individual to decide who can touch their body, where and in what way
  • Identify places and people who can offer help if we are feeling unsafe


  • Recognise the right of each individual to decide who can touch their body, where, and in what way
  • Can explain consent
  • Recognise the importance of permission seeking/giving behaviour, and how this can be communicated
  • Identify places and people who can offer help if we are feeling unsafe